Watertight Concrete System (Type B Waterproofing)
Type B waterproofing, used to waterproof concrete, is defined in BS 8102 as where the concrete structure itself is constructed as an integral water resistant shell. The water tightness of a Type B construction is reliant upon using a concrete of low permeability and appropriate joint detailing.
Our range of concrete waterproofing products includes BBA certified and unique Triton TT Admix, which is used in concrete waterproofing at the time of batching. The chemicals in this waterproofing admixture react with fresh concrete to actively seal the concrete itself against the penetration of water or liquid and to protect it from harsh environmental conditions. Shrinkage cracks are constantly and automatically resealed during a life-long active protection system.
Our waterstops are designed to seal construction joints and include a weatherproof, galvanised steel type that only reacts with water within the concrete. It is therefore ideal for use in ICF or twin wall installations, and swellable polymer/butyl rubber types.
Read more about our full range of products for waterproofing concrete structures.